I spent my first semester of college studying abroad in London, and it changed the way I view learning.

As I was a January admit at Hamilton, I attended the “Jan Semester in London Program” along with 40 other Hamilton Jans to start my college career. Aside from the sights I saw, independence I gained and friends I made during this semester, my Freshman Fall semester brought me my interest in art history, enthusiasm for experiential learning, and passion for traveling the world. Below is a gallery of some of the highlights from my semester, and the valuable lessons that came with them.


While in London, I took courses in a wide range of subjects, including British Sociology, Photography, Communication and British Media Studies, and a writing intensive course in the History of Art and Architecture. Each course included a mixture of in-class discussions and lectures as well as walking tours throughout the city of London to supplement our learning. While enrolled in these courses, I developed my interest in Art History and Literature. In my sociology course and my media course I learned about the people of London, expanding my worldview knowledge. In my photography class as well as my history class, I had the opportunity to visit many of London’s most famous museums and galleries. Throughout the semester I gained well-rounded knowledge on London, and the individual subjects from my courses.


Throughout the semester, I visited a variety of museums in London. I discovered my interest in studying art history after seeing The Photographer’s Gallery, the Victoria and Albert Museum, The Tate Modern, and the Museum of Brands. I loved going to museums with the purpose of learning about how different historical events or figures were expressed in the minds of artists.

Hampstead Heath

I was lucky enough to do all my training runs in the most beautiful park in the world. I had big expectations for the infamous Hampstead Heath after watching the movie Notting Hill, and it was even better in person. My daily run at Hampstead Heath was my time to explore and clear my mind. I never ran the same route twice, and of course I had to stop a lot to take photos of my view!